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What is SEO and how does it work?

What is SEO

When you have a business and want to improve your sales or brand presence online then SEO is one of the important things you need to concentrate on. SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’, it is the process of getting more traffic to your website through a free, organic manner by means of displaying your website on the top position of the search engine. When a person wants to do SEO they need to identify the relevant keywords with good search traffic potential, Make use of good quality & useful content, get backlinks from high-quality sites and measure the end result.  Top SEO Company in Gurgaon can help you out with a lot of potential suggestions to get ranked better.

How do search engines actually work?

When a person searches for a result with a query, that query is called as the keywords. Search engine algorithms are computer programmers which give you the exact results you are looking for. They actually rely on algorithms to find the web pages that the user is looking for with the keywords they search. When a user makes a request, the search engine follows 3 steps to actually work.


When a user makes a research about a particular thing, it sends the information to the web crawlers, what do they do? They actually make use of ‘spiders’ or ‘robots’ to discover the web pages that the user is exactly looking for and drive the end results on the search engine ranking page. On the crawling process when you have a website it observes all the pages of your website and has data for all of them. SEO Agency in Gurgaon explains to you the importance of crawling your website to have a higher visibility.


Indexing is the one in which a search engine decides whether or not it is going to use the content that it has crawled. When you have content on the webpage it is important to be crawled, but website owners really want to have few things that need to be in high privacy and they don't want to display them to the search engines. The pages which are crawled and have the instruction to index will display on the SERP. It is better for one not to index the page which has duplicate or spammy contents.


Once the above 2 step process was completed, your results are now ready to get ranked. All the crawled results which are said to be indexed are ranked on the search engine. According to the quality of technical optimization, on-page optimization, and off-page optimization you do, you will be ranked higher on the result pages. The website loading speed, the quality of content and updates, mea tags are very important to get more exposure on the search engine.

Bottom Line

Doing SEO is really important for all those businesses that need to have a strong digital marketing presence. Choose the right agencies that can help you to handle your business in such a way that you get a maximum brand exposure.

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